35 events found.
Household Hazardous Waste: Kitchen/bathroom cleaners, batteries, light bulbs, anti-freeze, solvents, acids/bases, aerosol cans, lamp ballasts, mercury, medications, and more. NO motor oil, ammunition, explosives, asbestos, or radioactive materials. Paint: Oil-based, paint thinners, and aerosol. NO latex paint. Passenger Tires: Tires can be on or off the rim. Limit of 10 tires per household. Tires MUST BE RSVP'D to be accepted; […]
Bring Your ID or tax bill for residency/ownership verification. Tires must be RSVP’d to be accepted; space is limited. Call 269-633-9314 to REBP tires and to ask questions.
114 N. Gremps Street
Paw Paw, Michigan 49079
(Please use Gremps St. entrance.)
Monday – Wednesday
8am – 3pm
8am – 11am