2024 Millage Rates
2023 Millage Rates
School District | Code | Summer | Winter | Total |
Paw Paw | 80160 | 10.4347 | ||
Non Homestead | 10.4347 | |||
Decatur | 80050 | 10.4347 | ||
Non Homestead | 10.4347 | |||
Lawton | 80140 | 10.4347 | ||
Non Homestead | 10.4347 | |||
Lawrence | 80130 | 10.4347 | ||
Non Homestead | 10.4347 | |||
Village of Paw Paw | 29.885 | |||
Non Homestead | 29.885 | |||
Summer Property Tax Millages
SET (State Education Tax) – Established by the State Education Tax Act (Act 331) of 1993, this is added to the state school aid fund.
VB CO Allocated – This is a county-wide millage for general operating activities.
Village General Fund – Levied by the Village of Paw Paw, the General Fund millage is an operating tax used for the general operation of the Village government. These services include, but are not limited to: Police, Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Services and General Administrative. The maximum millage allowed is 12.50 mills (rates are determined annually by MCL 211.34d).
Village Streets – Levied by the Village of Paw Paw, the Street millage is used for the maintenance, repair, and reconstruction of local streets within the Village, The maximum millage allowed is 5 mills (rates are determined annually by MCL 211.34d).
Village Police Special Assessment Millage – Levied by the Village of Paw Paw, this line item is 2 mills and was established in August 2017. This millage renews annually with 2/3 Council vote. The millage is allowed under PA 33 of 1951 which authorizes certain incorporated villages to levy special assessments to pay for the costs and expenses of police motor vehicles, apparatus, equipment, and police protection including maintenance and operation.

Winter Property Tax Millages
TWP OPER – Levied By Paw Paw Township, this millage represents an extra voted operating millage of approximately 1 mill. It was approved by voters November 1978 and is ongoing.
Fire Protection – Levied by Paw Paw Township, this line item is 1 mill and runs from 2020-2023. This millage is to help fund operation an equipment for the fire station.
Fire Bond – Levied by Paw Paw Township and goes directly to the new fire station. This new line item is .9329 mills (which will fluctuate) and was approved by voters in the August 2021 election (expires December 2052).
Paw Paw TWP Road – Levied by Paw Paw Township for road maintenance and improvements, this line item is 1 mill and was approved by voters in the August 2020 election (expires December 2023).
SCH OPER (School Operating) – Levied by the local school district on properties without a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE), this millage is another component of Proposal A of 1994. Under the proposal, a school district can levy up to 18 mills for school operating purposes. For most Paw Paw residents, this line item will show “EXEMPT” instead of an amount as your property is you Principal Residence and it is exempt from this tax, Businesses, rental properties and people owning multiple properties will pay the school operating millage. This millage is distributed directly to the school district. (Expires XXX, 18 mills)
SCH DEBT (School Debt) – Special elections are held to enable schools to levy millage for such things as school construction or renovation. Please contact your school district for more detailed information on their debt millage. This millage is distributed directly to the school district.
Veterans Relief – This millage is levied by Van Buren County and funds the county’s veteran’s services. Below is a link to that department’s website where folks can find more information. It was approved by voters in 2020 (expires 12/2023).
Veterans Services
Conservation District – This millage was voted in August 2016 and became effective January 2017 (expires 2026). This is an operations millage that is used to fund the administration for the VBCD. This funding also supports the County’s Resource Recovery Program as grant funding in this area is very limited.
Paw Paw District Library – This millage was voted in November 2015 (expires December 2024). This is an operations millage and helps fund the library.
Paw Paw LIB Debt – Paw Paw District Library building debt (expires in 2041).
PP Village Parks – Levied by Paw Paw Village, this new line item is 1.5 mills. It was approved by voters in the August 2021 election (expires January of 2026). It will help raise funds for improvements, operation, and maintenance of Village parks.
ADMIN FEE (Administration Fee) – This 1% administration fee is used to defray the costs of property assessments, defending the roll, levying, collecting, and distributing property taxes for other taxing entities. This is allowed by section 211.44 of the General Property Tax Act. The 1% fee is charged against all millages.